list on the right includes some of the many
productions that have been done.
A-HA |
A-Teens |
Ace Of Base |
All Friday |
Bai Bang |
Bajas |
Banana Airlines |
Bjørn Olav Edvardsen |
Blue Chips |
Briskeby |
Brothers |
Carola Häggquist |
Children Of The Flower Fields |
Corbin |
Creamy |
The Dahlmanns |
DeLillos |
Drama |
Dusty Cowshit |
El More |
Emma |
Fifty / 50 Bunch |
Fountainheads |
Gaute Ormåsen |
Gylne Tider, TV2 |
Henning Kvitnes |
Hole Company |
Ida Kjær |
Idol 2005 |
Ingrid Skretting |
Jahn Teigen |
Jan Werner Danielsen |
Jonas Groth & Stian Joneid |
Kabah |
Kaptein Rødskjegg |
Katrine Moholdt |
KidRace |
The Kids |
Kine Ludviksen |
Kurt Nilsen |
Lena Philipson |
Little Trees |
M2M |
Magnus Granholt |
Marion Ravn |
Marita |
Microsoft (Norway) |
Morten Harket |
Noora Noor |
Ole Ivars |
Ole Paus |
Pen Jakke |
Return |
Robert Stoltenberg |
Roy Lønhøiden |
S.O.A.P |
Sandra Lyng Haugen |
SmallTalk |
Snobby Girls |
Sonata |
Sony Music (Norway) |
Spin-Up |
Stage Dolls |
Staysman |
Sugar Louise |
Torgeir & Kjendisene |
Trine Rein |
The Tuesdays |
The Twistaroos |
Unni Wilhelmsen |
Wig Wam |
Yaki-Da |
The Yum Yums |
Åge Sten Nilsen |